Our music is taken from the song “Pourquoi je pas?”, and is kindly provided by Chocolat Billy, a band based in Bordeaux, France. To find out more about them, visit their pages on Bandcamp, Facebook and the Free Music Archive.

Ekaterina Chertkovskaya is a researcher based at Lund University (Sweden), working on degrowth and critical organisation studies.
Her work addresses the crises created by capitalism and the pursuit of economic growth, and explores informed paths for socio-ecological transformation. She has been writing on the problems with work/employability, corporate violence and the plastic crisis, on the one hand, and focusing on degrowth as a vision for transformation, its political economy, and alternative models of work and organising, on the other.
Together with Alexander Paulsson and Stefania Barca, Ekaterina co-edited Towards a Political Economy of Degrowth (Rowman & Littlefield, 2019). With scholars and activists from Degrowth Vienna, she is currently working on a book on degrowth and strategies.
Ekaterina is also a member of the editorial collective of ephemera: theory & politics in organization, an independent, open access journal.
Further info
Profile on Lund University’s website
Publications on Academia
Ecocide: Kill the corporation before it kills us (video)
featuring David Whyte, Richard Falk and Alicia de la Cour Venning
The East India Company: The Original Evil Corporation
by William Dalrymple
The New York Times
Corporate Violence as Crime: Anniversary of the West Virginia Chemical Spill
by Rena Steinzor
Huffington Post
Explaining the erosion of private-sector unions: How corporate practices and legal changes have undercut the ability of workers to organize and bargain
by Lynn Rhinehart, Lane Windham and Lawrence Mishel
Economic Policy Institute
Resisting the everyday violence of colonial extractivism
by Michael Wilson Becerril
ROAR Magazine
The Violence of Growth-Obsessed Capitalism
by Douglas Rushkoff
The Violence of Financial Capitalism
by Christian Marazzi
Carbon Offsetting: Wall Street’s Favorite Climate Solution Is Mired in Disagreements
by Jess Shankleman and Akshat Rathi
Life in a ‘degrowth’ economy, and why you might actually enjoy it
by Samuel Alexander
The Conversation
Can we have prosperity without growth?
by John Cassidy
The New Yorker
Five things you need to know about degrowth
by Ruby Russell
A guide to degrowth: The movement prioritizing wellbeing in a bid to avoid climate cataclysm
by Sam Meredith
Why “degrowth” shouldn’t scare businesses
by Thomas Roulet and Joel Bothello
Harvard Business Review
In the midst of an economic crisis, can ‘degrowth’ provide an answer
by Lola Seaton
The Guardian
by Tim Smedley
There’s a simple answer to climate change. But will capitalism allow it?
by Bill McGuire
Prospect Magazine
Countering corporate violence: Degrowth, ecosocialism and organising beyond the destructive forces of capitalism
with Alexander Paulsson
Organization, Volume 28, Issue 3
The end of the line: envisioning degrowth and ecosocial justice in the resistance to the trolleybus dismantlement in Moscow
with Alexander Paulsson
Local Environment
Uneven Earth
From Taming to Dismantling: Degrowth and Anti-capitalist Strategy
Degrowth: New Roots for the Economy
Making visible, rendering obscure: reading the plastic crisis through contemporary artistic visual representations
Global Sustainability, Volume 3, Edition 14
The consumption of work: Representations and interpretations of the meaning of work at a UK university
with Marek Korczynski & Scott Taylor
Organization, Volume 27, Issue 4
Degrowth in Theory, Pursuit of Growth in Action: Exploring the Russian and Soviet Contexts in Towards a Political Economy of Degrowth
Ekaterina Chertkovskaya, Alexander Paulsson and Stefania Barca (eds.)
Rowman & Littlefield
Ecology of culture in Pluriverse: A Post-Development Dictionary
Ashish Kothari et al. (eds.)
Columbia University Press